Exploring the Different Types of Law: 21 Fields to Consider

Attorneys have a wealth of incredible career opportunities available to them but with so many different legal fields to consider it can be difficult to decide which path is right for you. Here is a list of 21 different fields of law that you might want to explore b

Exploring the Different Types of Law: 21 Fields to Consider

Attorneys have a wealth of incredible career opportunities available to them, but with so many different legal fields to consider, it can be difficult to decide which path is right for you. To help you make an informed decision, here is a list of 21 different fields of law that you might want to explore before and after earning your law degree.

Animal Law

is the field of law that has non-human animals as its subject. Working in the field of animal law means that your main objective will be to defend animal rights together with the organizations and allies that serve and represent them.

The duties of lawyers specializing in animal law include defending the legal status of endangered wildlife and domestic animals, as well as exposing inhumane facilities and practices with respect to animals.

Bankruptcy Law

is the legal procedure that involves a person or company that cannot pay outstanding debts. This process is initiated by the debtor (person or company) and generally involves their assets being aggregated and evaluated to help repay.

Banking and Financial Law

is defined as the legal practice that oversees “the organization, ownership and operation of banks and depository institutions, mortgage banks and other financial service providers regulated or authorized by state or federal banking regulators and holding companies.” This also includes financial institutions and their lending practices to borrowers. More generally, banking and financial law aims to regulate banking and financial institutions, their practices with each other, the way they do business with others, reporting practices, taxes and transactions. Professionals in this field may find themselves working as in-house advisors for a financial institution, credit unions, or for a banking and finance law firm.

Civil Rights Law

guarantees the right of individuals to be treated equally and prohibits discrimination.

Civil liberties refer to the basic rights and freedoms guaranteed in federal and state constitutions. Lawyers who work to protect civil rights and individual civil liberties have the capacity to ensure that all people are treated equally before the law. In addition, many lawyers interested in civil rights law may work for non-profit organizations focused on addressing civil rights issues in society.

Constitutional Law

refers to the interpretation, adherence to, and amendment of the U. S.

Constitution. Attorneys in this branch can practice privately or for firms. On any given day, they may be representing clients, discussing cases, or litigating in court.

Corporate Law

is the field of law that establishes the rules and regulations necessary for corporations to form and function. Working in corporate law means that your main objective will be to address all aspects of the legal administration of a corporation.

The functions of corporate lawyers include managing merger procedures, acquisitions, liability disputes, patents, legal compliance and more.

Criminal Law

involves prosecuting individuals who have committed crimes against society or against another individual. Prosecutors work for the government at both the state and federal levels. Defense attorneys can work in a private company or for the government.

Education Law

is the field of law that covers legal issues related to schools, their students and their staff. Working in education law means that your main objective will be to promote an educational experience of the highest quality for all involved.

The duties of an education lawyer include advocating for the rights of students and teachers, reporting tuition fraud, and developing new education policies.

Entertainment Law

is concerned with all aspects of entertainment industry such as music, publications, television etc. An entertainment lawyer will need to know the ins and outs of the entertainment industry in which he practices; be it music, publications, television etc. Lawyers can work with artists, their management team, associates adjacent to the artist or the company they work with.

Employment Law

is the field of law that addresses the rights of workers and the relationships they share.

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